Saturday, July 31, 2010


Hi, it's both Grace AND Sam here.. there was a little screw up with our prices, we updated them ourselves without updating them on the blog, too. So they are standard $1 for 1. Nothing more. But now we are having our cool BACK TO SCHOOL SALE!!!!! They can spice up a uniform, keep that in mind! We always have a few if you are feeling a little boring. So in the sale, they are all regular price up until you buy 5, then you get one free. And all of our money still goes to March of Dimes... Pretty cool, huh?? We think so. :) Remember, pre-order now because our sale doesn't start until August 1th, and ends August 12th. Email us @ to pre order... We have had good business so far and so the sale clips will go FAST... PRE ORDER now!

Also, we have decided to only donate our profits at the end of this month. So the grand total for the month of July is... drumroll please.... 6 bucks! Not bad, considering we have only been in business for a couple weeks. So next month we will try to TOP that six dollars, at seven, or maybe eight, WITH OUR SALE! Sorry, it just got a little out of hand. Remember, this money goes to benefit preemies, which is a FABULOUS reason to buy them... to save babies like Mina and Connor and Dylan.

One last little thing... Samantha and I will be gone at camp until Thursday... we will check the email right away when we get back.. we double dog pinky promise. got it? good.


  1. Cute Grace!! I want a couple, what colors are there?

  2. wow, i am REALLY impressed. what an amazing and selfless thing you are doing by making these clips and donating the money to help little babies. i dont even know you but your smile in that profile picture and your big big heart just brought me to tears!

  3. THIS is fabulous! I will be spotlighting you guys on my blog tomorrow! :)) I'll post a link when I do! I think you girls are just darling!
